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Chemical Peelings


Cosmelan is a succesful treatment for all skin types for reduction and control of brown spots, skin discoloration & hormonal hyper pigmentation. Cosmelan is a ombination of different depigmentation agents witch acts by decreasing melanin production or formation on the skin by inhibition of enzyme tyrosinase. Melanin is responsible for the darkening of the skin which results in information of brown spots due to sun exposure as well as formation of Melasma when influenced by hormones.



Dermamelan is a depigementation peeling. Dermamelan has similar active ingredients to Cosmelan but at 20% higher concetration and the mask treatment. This treatment guarantees the improvement of skin blemishes with a very high safety margin. Principal action is the elimination of melanin patches on the face – melasma. Dermamelan influences the melanogenesis (pigment producing) process. Dermamelan contains: Kojic Acid, Phytic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Arbutine, Titanium Dioxide and Retinyl Palmitate. These products block the production of melanin (pigment) by inhibiting tryosinase – an essential enzyme involved in the formation of pigment.

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  • -active acne
  • -pregnancy
  • -breastfeeding
  • -virus infection 
  • -herpes

GlykoPeel 50%

GlykoPeel 50% removes wrinkles, cleansies the skin and evens out skin tone. It’s very safe treatment, recommended for  all skin types. Skin is brightening and soft. GlykoPeel 50% stimulates collagen production. 



Almond peeling could be used all year. Recommended for all skin types, especially for blackheads and capillaries.  Improves skin tone, brightens discoloration and visibly removes wrinkles. 



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Pyruvic Peeling

It’s exfoliating peeling. Unclogs pores, prevents inflammation. Recommended for acne skin.  




SaliPeel is an exfoliating and antibacterial treatment. Unclogs pores, cleansing skin.  Perfectly unlocks the sebaceous glands. Recommended for acne skin and blackheads.


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almond + vit. C200
almond + massage+ care270
glykopeel 50 %200
Enerpeel Hand200
Enerpeel Neck200
Enerpeel EL250
Almond peel as addition to beauty treatment100